19:00 bis 20:00
19:00 bis 20:00
Hybrid Sunday services at the KHG
Live in Aachen, at home on the sofa, somewhere on the beach or in the evening with the flat at dinner – our Sunday service is hybrid. If you like, come to the KHG on Sundays at 7 p.m. and party live or just take us to your place. With our zoom access, this is possible:
Meeting ID: 846 8321 1295
Code: 901198
You can also participate in many places in the divine service: at home you can sing along, you can share your intercession with us via chat or also express your thoughts during the scripture discussion according to the Gospel.
Live, in the hall of the KHG, the rules of our protection concept currently apply
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84683211295?pwd=VXgreUFuUS9iTmcxRnlYZE8zZ1ZkZz09 Meeting-ID: 846 8321 1295 Kenncode: 901198 Ansprechpartner: MATTHIAS FRITZ, 4700128
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