
Gottesdienste mitgestalten : Der Liturgiekreis

Foto: Bistum Aachen / David Klammer

Do you want to help shape the divine services at the KHG? We have started the format of hybrid services and are always looking for people who will make the divine services alive and colorful with us. At the moment we meet every 14 days in preparation for the upcoming two Sunday services. In addition, students participate in the divine service as a lecturer, in the technology for streaming, as a public order service, in musical design or as a lead singer.

Like to take a look in on Sundays, contact us directly or contact Matthias, our university chaplain

Gottesdienste mitfeiern: Der (hybride) Hochschulgottesdienst

(Hybride) Sunday services at the KHG

We celebrate the service in a two-week rhythm alternately hybrid or as a word service digitally.

Live in Aachen, at home on the sofa, somewhere on the beach or in the evening with the flat at dinner – our Sunday service is hybrid.
If you like, come to the KHG on Sundays at 7 p.m. and party live or just take us to your place. With our zoom access, this is possible:
You can also participate in many places in the divine service: at home you can sing along, you can share your intercession with us via chat or also express your thoughts during the scripture discussion according to the Gospel.

Registration is required to participate via ZOOM!
ZOOM access link with the registration confirmation.

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    Glauben kennenlernen, Christ werden, Gottesbeziehung leben

    Foto: Jonas Höhmann

    People in the KHG believe that our lives have a meaning: to make the world a place for all; to give every human being the dignity to be unique; peace, justice and hope.
    For Christians, there are moments when this can be celebrated in a special way – as a meaningful relationship with God.

    Those who want to know faith and have a relationship with God can begin this journey with baptism.
    Saying “I believe in God” is the “yes” to a relationship with him. He should be by our side for the long time.

    Confirmation reinforces this once again.
    God is not far from this world, he is there as an assist, in the Holy Spirit.
    This Spirit of God is in us the ability to distinguish life situations well and place them in the context of life, for it gives us the strength to look to life in insight, knowledge, fear of God, piety, counsel, strength and wisdom (Isaiah 11:1-2).

    In (first) communion I live this relationship and may understand God as a constant call to the ups and minds of my life.

    Moments that are my heart in all changes and encounters and do not let me go, can be entrusted to God in a confessional.

    And when I have found the one person I can confide in, who carries me through life and with whom I can imagine the future, people repeat the “yes” as “I believe that you are the person of my life” in the wedding/marriage.

    Anyone who wants to live these moments of faith and sacraments and would like to be accompanied by us in them is welcome to contact our university chaplain, Matthias Fritz –