Interkulturelles Forum

The Intercultural Forum is an open circle of the KHG, where events are offered by and with international students. We make these events known about two weeks before the respective evening dates via our homepage and our social media.
We will offer our next events because of the Corona Pandemic hybrid, i.e. with few people in the hall of the KHG by prior registration as well as via Zoom. For this purpose, you can switch on digitally or – as far as you have registered – personally participate here on site!
Our next event will take place
on Thursday, November 26 from 7 p.m.
in cooperation with the„Students without Borders“.
We will inform you about the topic of the evening in the coming weeks. The subject area is „postcolonialism„.
The next and final event of this semester is currently being prepared by some international students on the topic of „Typical German„. On Thursday, December 10th from 8 p.m. if possible, she will experience many funny and serious everyday life and peculiarities about life in Germany in our hall.
Interreligiöses Forum

„And what do trust in?“
This series of talks, which started last winter semester, is still in the planning stages together with ESG and IMSU
Englishspeaking Biblegroup

Getting into conversation with other students with the bible in your hand?
How do I understand different passages of the bible? How do you understand those?
Getting to know the bible in a different language!
In charge: Irmgard Icking
Thursday at 7.00 pm
via ZOOM meeting – get the Link from Matthias or Swantje!
Contact in case of interest: (KHG) (ESG)

for students
In everyday study, there is usually little room for grief after the death of a close person from family or friends. Corona, virtual semester, exams and internships take no account of this.
A good way to exchange experiences, feelings and your own thoughts is to have a mourning group with other students. The university pastoral care offers this group with the pastor and pastor Bettina Donath-Kreß. Religious affiliation does not matter. The group comes with at least. three interested students and, if necessary, make further appointments after an initial meeting.
The new mourning group will meet from 7 p.m. in the premises of the ESG(Nizzallee 20). Registration takes place via the Evangelical or Catholic university pastoral care (pastor Swantje Eibach-Danzeglocke, ESG, or pastor Matthias Fritz, KHG,