About us

> The KHG expands the possibilities to shape your life and studies at the universities in Aachen
: You and your interests are our focus
+ The KHG is the slightly different church at the university

Unser Leitbild

The Catholic University Community is a community of searching and interested people at the Aachen universities.
We open up opportunities for encounter and engagement.
We offer space to talk about life, society and our faith.
We are interculturally shaped, participate in interreligious exchange and engage socially and culturally.
We live openness and respect.

Verhaltenskodex für die KHG

Foto: Sebastian Franke

The honorary, ancillary and principal officials working in the KHG have agreed and signed a code of conduct


Info: Matthias Fritz – mf@khg-aachen.de

Konzept der Hochschulpastoral im Bistum Aachen

Foto: Jonas Höhmann

In November 2012, Bishop Mussinghoff put the concept for university pastoral care into effect.

Download: konzept-hochschulpastoral-bistum-aachen.pdf (German)